Your Personal Training
Sophie Knapton
Sophie Knapton
Better Gym Brentwood
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With Strength Comes Freedom!

Fitness has the power to provide a positive influence in every aspect of our lives.

There is an opportunity for strength and fitness in every person’s life, and there is a unique fitness experience to be found for each of us. My goal is to help you to find your strongest, most energetic and healthiest self so far! With a wide experience of training styles, I will work to make personal training sessions that are tailored to your interests and enjoyment.

I look forward to working with you to identify your individual goals, and assist you in taking the steps to supersede the expectations you have of yourself.

Together we’ll train well to feel well!
Gym Instructor Level 2

Personal Training Level 3

Yoga Teaching Level 3

Group Cycle


Box Fit
Weight Training

Running and training for goal events

Plant based lifestyles and navigating health based dietary restrictions

Female health and wellbeing

Instructing Group Cycle, HiiT, Circuits, Pump, LBT, Body Conditioning, Yoga and Box Fit classes
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