Your Personal Training
Nelson Lima
Nelson Lima
Chelsea Sports Centre
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I am a trained fitness consultant well-versed in providing bespoke health and lifestyle plans for clients from all walks of life. The ever-increasing demands of modern life inevitably leads to greater stress on the mind and body and create a need to restore balance, refresh energy levels, and reappraise how we prepare our body to best cope with all we throw at it. I help clients take more control & promote a healthy balanced lifestyle.
Personal Trainer Level 3 - Y.M.CA
Walking Instructor- Y.M.C.A
Circuit Training- Y.M.C.A
N.V.Q Exercise and Fitness
N.V.Q Intermediate Patisserie
N.V.Q Customer Service
C.S.L.A Community Service Leaders award - Level 2
Physical training
Corrective exercise
Exercise rehabilitation
Muscle performance training
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