Your Personal Training
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson
Arbroath Sports Centre
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As a Level 3 certified personal trainer, currently pursuing Level 4 in sports nutrition, I am passionate about guiding individuals through their fitness journeys. Having experienced my own struggles with weight loss and muscle gain, I understand the challenges of stepping into a gym environment with low confidence. My approach is rooted in empathy, creating a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to achieve their goals.

What sets me apart is my genuine enthusiasm for helping others succeed. I'm not just here to count reps; I'm here to be a mentor, motivator, and friend. With personalised fitness plans and constant support, I'm dedicated to helping clients unlock their full potential, whether they are beginners or athletes.

In addition to my qualifications, I bring a unique perspective with ongoing studies in sports nutrition. I believe in the importance of nutrition as the foundation of fitness and offer comprehensive guidance to complement training.

Witnessing transformations – physical and emotional – is what drives me. Whether it's breaking through plateaus or gaining newfound confidence, these moments remind me why I chose this path.

As your personal trainer, I'll be your biggest cheerleader and guide. Together, we'll set goals, overcome obstacles, and celebrate victories. Whether you aim to lose weight, build muscle, or improve overall health, I'm here to help you
Level 2 Gym Instructing
Level 3 Personal Training
Level 2 Introduction to Nutrition
Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist
CPD Advanced Training Systems
CPD Body Weight Exercises
Level 4 Sports Nutrition - to be completed.
Weight loss
Programme planning
Strength training
Confidence building
Body transformation
Nutritional support and guidance
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