Your Personal Training
Ash Stead
Ash Stead
Highworth Recreation Centre
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Throughout my health and fitness career I have endeavoured to learn from and work with the best and brightest in the health and performance industry.

From the most successful strength coaches in history to world-record holding power lifters and bodybuilders, as well as doctors, physiotherapists, reflexologists and nutritionists, I’ve sought out the best. This is to ensure I can provide specific, individualised advice, support and guidance tailored to each client’s needs.

My background is in bodybuilding. In my early teens I began lifting weights to change my physique. In my early 20s, I earned my PT certification and started exploring performance-based weightlifting and strength training. From my 20s and to the present, I have competed in bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting.

I spent over five years working in Nuffield Health and Wellbeing Gyms, which are connected to hospitals. This is where I gained experience in injury assessment, advanced programme design, and rehabilitation from surgery and injuries, adding a new depth to my expertise.
Level 2 Fitness Instructing

Level 3 Diploma in Fitness Instructing and Personal Training

Level 4 Strength & Conditioning Coach

Watsons Certificate in Deadlift, Squat and Bench Press (Charles Poliquin, Ed Cohen, Stan Efferding)

Instructing Kettlebells

Strength Training
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