Rebecca has always been accommodating and encouraging.

Rebecca McCallion is a personal trainer in Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre, a Better Gym. She has been one of the YOUR Personal Trainers for two years. Here she shares with us the story of her remarkable client, Chris:
Chris, who is in his 30’s, was involved in an accident nine years ago and sustained a serious head injury, which led to most of his left side becoming very weak. Prior to his accident, Chris was very sporty and played a lot of football.
Since July 2021, Chris has been having weekly PT sessions with Rebecca. Chris also uses a cross trainer at home for cardio vascular exercise, so his focus at the gym is very much strength training.
Rebecca says: “Since qualifying more than three years ago, I’ve had lots of different clients, each with their own wellbeing goals. However, I’ll never forget my client Chris! Not only because of his determination, but also how we have both learnt and grown together during his training programme.
In the six months of working with Chris, I’ve have seen a remarkable transformation in both his physical and mental health.”
Chris says: “When I started working with Rebecca in July 21, my goals were to gain weight and strength, particularly in my weak left arm and legs. I was also keen to improve my mobility, but I wasn’t sure how long it would take to build up the balance and strength required
“Back in July 2021, I was 11 ½ stone and benching 12kg (single arm) on my right and only 1kg on my left, and was only doing body weight squats. By February 2022, my weight has increased to 13 ½ stone, which I’m delighted with, and I am comfortably benching 22kg on my right side and 7kg on my left, and feel I can improve further. I’m also deadlifting and squatting with weights.
“Rebecca has always been accommodating and encouraging. Whenever there is something I don’t feel confident about or need help with, she is quick to find a solution. Rebecca has also given me a lot of motivation – for example when I started at Better Gym I was using my wheelchair (due to lacking confidence and to save time) but it now takes me the same amount of time to walk in. She has also helped me with a diet/nutrition plan.
“I’ve worked with numerous personal trainers, since the accident, and the results achieved with Rebecca have out done them all tenfold.”
Rebecca continues: “Chris is a highly motivated and determined guy, and will work hard at any challenge I set. It’s been amazing to work with him. I haven’t really had much experience of rehab training before, and it’s been a very rewarding process of trial and error, clear communication and being brave to try things in a different way. I listen to what he says and what he can do and set relevant goals. I’ve helped with his confidence and I push him to challenge his balance and to work away from his wheelchair. When I work with him the time just flies by. The future is looking bright for Chris – I can’t wait to see his continued progress.”