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Interview with Josh Braddick

YOUR Personal Training Blog
1st August 2018

Name:  Josh Braddick

Gym Location: Ely Hive Centre

Length of time with Your PT: 7 weeks

Start date with Your PT: 1st June


What are the top 3 benefits of working with YOUR Personal Training?

1. Being your own boss.

2. Receiving the right guidance and support to grow my business.

3. Building positive working relationships with clients and Gym Members.


How many Personal training clients do you have?  Have you reached your goal for your PT business?

I have 18 clients weekly; the target I set myself for an initial 3/ 6 months was to be aiming for 15 clients. I’m very proud that I have beaten this in a matter of 7 weeks.


How has YOUR Personal Training provided business mentoring to help you in growing your personal training business?

Aaron, my P.T mentor has held weekly chats to catch up with how things have been progressing. He has given me advice and tips on how to run a successful self employed business which I’ve taken on board.


What has been the best aspect of training and development support you have received from YOUR Personal Training?

My P.T Mentor who fully understands what it’s like to be a personal trainer offering me examples of his own experiences. Access to resources, professionalism from’ Your Personal Training’ with any queries or questions that I have asked.


Is there any other comments on your experience that you would like to share?

Previous experiences with other PT companies didn’t offer the right amount of support, overpopulated the gyms with too many personal trainers. I have personally made the effort to get to know all the gym members by engaging in conversations daily. By putting the hard work and graft anything is possible with building a successful client base.